SEX WORSHIP; Phallic Objects, Monuments and Remains, Illustrations of the Rise and Development of the Phallic Idea (Sex Worship) and its Embodiment in Works of Nature and Art

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Newsletter 16 (August, 2011)


Illustration by Leo Pinkhof from Nr. 19

1. ANNIGONI, Pietro Original signed photo. Original black-and-white photo (15 x 11 cm) signed by the painter in felt tip pen. Glue traces on reverse.

€ 25

* Photo probably from 1982 (added: two parts of the envelope it was sent in, with postage stamp). The painter (1910-1988) wears a checkered shirt, a serious look on his face, one of his paintings behind him.

2. BLEI, Franz (ed.) Der Amethyst. Blätter für seltsame Litteratur und Kunst. Herausgegeben von Dr. Ph. Franz Blei. Vienna, 1905-1906. Nr. 1-12 in 9 volumes (three double issues). Original wrappers (8) and rebound in boards (1). 402 p. plus advertising. Uncut. Printed on mouldmade paper. Illustrated. First edition. Some covers loose/ damaged. Original covers of double nr. 9-10 missing, otherwise complete.

€ 350

* Erotic monthly magazine published by Franz Blei (1871-1942) with several first-class erotic illustrations printed on Japan, a.o. by Franz von Bayros, Aubrey Beardsley, Marcus Behmer, Willy Geiger, Thomas Theodor Heine, Alfred Kubin, Félicien Rops, Thomas Rowlandson, and John Jack Vrieslander. Texts in German by a.o. Aelianus, Ausonius, Barrès, Bonsels, Max Brod, Casanova, Crébillon, Farrère, Goethe, Rémy de Gourmont, Herondas, Jarry, Otto Kiefer, Laforgue, Lenclos, Petronius, Poe, Renard, Restif de la Bretonne, Retté, Rimbaud, R.A. Schröder, Janus Secundus, Tieck, Verlaine, Villon, Werner and Oscar Wilde (several diverse texts).

In each issue a section on books and book advertising, very informative about erotic literature.

3. CARPENTER, Edward Das Mittelgeschlecht. Eine Reihe von Abhandlungen über ein zeitgemässes Problem. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Dr. L. Bergfeld. München, Seitz & Schauer, 1907. Rebound in leather-backed boards (worn). 184, VIII p. First edition. Ex-library.

€ 25

* Translation of The Intermediate Sex. With at the end a section of publisher's advertisements, a.o. for Karsch-Haack and Elberskirchen.

4. CHAMPFLEURY, J. Histoire de la caricature antique. Deuxième édition, très augmentée. Paris, E. Dentu, (1867). Part of original cover pasted on cloth-backed boards. XXIV, 332, 4 p. With many wood-engraved illustrations. List of books of Dentu at the end. Second, revised edition. Some foxing.

€ 35

* Frontispice in colors. Numerous charming little ancient Greek and Roman caricatures from seals, inscriptions, graffiti and archeological finds (Pompeii!).

5. COUÉ, Émile Die Selbstbemeisterung durch bewusste Autosuggestion. Deutsch von Dr. Paul Amann. (Inscribed). Basel, Benno Schwabe & Co., 1924. Original wrappers. 160 p. With 14 p. publisher's ads. 43rd - 50th thousand.

€ 45

* With handwritten dedication by the author: 'Au Docteur Streup/ Hommage de l'auteur/ (signed)/ Locarno, le 14 avril 1925'. Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (1857-1926), a trained apothecary, introduced a hugely successful method of self therapy, called 'Autosuggestion'. Nice typography.

6. DneproGES DneproGES. Detishche pervoy pyatiletkiy. No place, Izdanye Foto 'Turist', 1933. 7 x 10 cm. Tiny cloth portfolio with 19 photos (probably not complete). Text by D. Barulya on verso of upper cover. Portfolio a bit soiled and worn.

€ 25

* 19 small photos of photos (of 20?) of the Ukraine hydroelectric power station, built in 1927-1932, one of the great projects of the Russian First Five-Year Plan, and still in use. With various technical details, a map and a portrait of the engineer Aleksandr Vinter (Winter).

7. ESSEBAC, Achille Luc. Paris, Ambert & Cie., (about 1905). Rebound in simple cloth with marbled endpapers. 276, xii p. Mention of ninth edition. A bit browned.

€ 125

* With publisher's catalogue at the end concerning the other works of Essebac, citing sections of Dédé, Partenza, L'Élu, Les Griffes, and with a short review of Nuit Païenne.

8. FISCHER, Eugen Krieg. Ein Kapitel aus dem im Verlag Ullstein erschienenen Buch von Eugen Fischer: 'Die kritischen 39 Tage'. (Publisher's advertisement). [Berlin], Ullstein Verlag, [1928]. Stapled, without wrappers as issued. 16 p. Fine condition.

€ 12

* Chapter XI from Die kritischen 39 Tage by historian Eugen Fischer (1881-1964), in which the last days before the Great War were detailed. Unembellished publisher's advertisement.

9. FOOKS, Edwin G. Plain and Ornamental Lettering. A Practical Guide to Ticket & Showcard Writing - Sign Writing and other forms of Decorative Lettering. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1927. Original cloth-backed boards. 96 p. First edition. Cover a bit soiled.

€ 12

* Attractive, well-illustrated book for the calligraphic amateur.

10. GUÉRIN, Daniel Typed list of his own books. With SIGNATURE on a little sheet and an envelope. Typed carbon copy of a list of Guérin's books, as offered by himself. A4. Recto and verso. With autograph price corrections. Added: a small sheet of paper stamped with Guérin's address, signed 'daniel guérin' and dated '6-9-82', and the front part of an addressed and stamped envelope, both (signature and envelope) pasted on a piece of card.

€ 65

* The list contains 40 titles with 'Prix fort' and 'Prix net', with a 4-line explanation, typed.

11. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). KOTOWSKI, Elke-Vera, & SCHOEPS, Julius (ed.) Der Sexualreformer Magnus Hirschfeld. Ein Leben im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Berlin, be.bra wissenschaft verlag, 2004. Original wrappers. 400 p. First edition. New and still in plastic.

€ 20

* Collection of important essays.

12. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus) Titus-Perlen. Wissenschaftliches Sexual-Hormon-Präparat nach Vorschrift von Sanitätsrat Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld unter ständiger klinischer Kontrolle des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin. Mit gesichtertem Gehalt an Keimdrüsen-Hormonen und standartisiertem Hypophysenvorderlappen-Hormon. Berlin-Pankow, 'Titus', 1930. Original illustrated wrappers. 36 p. printed on art paper. Illustrated (partly in colors). First edition. Wrappers soiled, edges worn.

€ 35

* Advertising brochure for hormone medication developed in the 1920's by Magnus Hirschfeld in his Institute for Sexual Science. 'Titus Pearls' contained 'testifortan', that helped achieve various ways of sexual gratification. Several enthusiastic user reports printed at the end.

13. HOPF, Albert Venetien bis zur Adria - ist frei - hurrjeh! wer lacht denn da? Ich glaub' ER war es selber. Eine Waffenstillstands-Comödie. Zeitbild Nr. 3. Berlin, Commissions-Verlag von E. Mecklenburg, 1866. No wrappers, as published. 8 p. With colored wood-engraving as a frontispice. A bit foxed and with a dog's ear.

€ 20

* Short comedy. The charming wood-engraving shows 'Franz Habsburger' (Emperor Franz Josef) who offers a cake with the word Venice to 'Louis Schlauberger' (Emperor Napoleon III). But Napoleon III refuses with a pun on the Austrian General Benedek, who had lost the Battle of Königgratz partly because of the new Dreyse needle guns used by the Prussians.

14. HUMPHRY, Ozias Autograph note to 'William'. Short handwritten note (4 lines) pasted on a larger sheet under a contemporary portrait of the painter. Signed 'O.H.'. 5,8 x 13,7 cm. In brown ink. A bit creased.

€ 75

* 'William./ you will be so good as to be careful/ that the Sheets I have sent are arranged/ in the utmost possible regularity and/ perspicacity [?] before they are carried to be bound.' The portrait is a fine stipple engraving by Caroline Watson (dated 1784) after a portrait by Romney. Ozias Humphry (1742-1810) was a leading portrait miniature painter. His son William Upcott (1779-1845), a librarian and large scale collector of autographs and letters, might well have been the addressee of the note.

15. (JANÁCEK, Leoš). BROD, Max Erinnerung an Leoš Janá?ek zu seinem 100. Geburtstag. Dodewaard, Distelkamp Arethusa Pers, 2010. Original cloth. 16 p. With an original signed copperengraving by Old?ich Kulhánek (1994) on BFK Rives paper. Printed in 70 numbered copies. Edited by Willem Keizer. First edition.

€ 55

* Bibliophile edition of a memory, written in 1954. This is one of 20 Roman numbered copies bound in cloth and with an extra printing of the engraving.

16. JOLAS (ed.), Eugene Transition, An International Workshop for Orphic Creation, Nr. 21. March 1932. The Hague, Servire Press, 1932. Original decorated cover (upper and lower cover designs Hans ARP). 336 p. Illustrated. First edition. Backstrip browned. Cover a bit yellowed. Some foxing. Original advertising slip (also with Arp's design, see scan) still pasted to upper cover.

€ 45

* With contributions by a.o. Samuel Beckett, Gottfried Benn, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Ludwig Klages, Raymond Queneau, Kurt Schwitters (lanke tr gl) and Gertrude Stein.

17. JOLAS (ed.), Eugene Transition. An International Workshop for Vertigralist Transmutation. Edited by Eugene Jolas. July, 1935, No. 23. The Hague, Servire Press, 1935. Original illustrated wrappers (with a design by Paul Klee). 212 p. Illustrated. Backstrip a bit worn, but in very good condition.

€ 60

* Contributions by many avant-garde authors, foremost James Joyce's Continuation of Work in Progress.

18. KEMPIS, Thomas a Los IV. Libros de la Imitacion de Christo, y menosprecio del mundo, compuestos en Latin por el venerable Tomas de Kempis canonico reglar de San Agustin, y traduzidos nuevamente en espanol por el padre Eusebio Nieremberg (...). Emendados de muchos errores (...). Paris, Pedro Witte, 1713. 18mo (14 x 8 cm). xiv, 460 p. (with 2 p. publisher's ads). 5 leaves of illustrations (the frontispice is opposite page 168). Unopened. Fine morocco binding with gilt fleurons and blindstamped diamonds and lines. Vague moisture stain in the lower corner of pages 7-110.

€ 200

* Exquisite binding by a 20th century amateur on a Parisian edition in Spanish of The Imitation of Christ.

19. KLEERKOOPER, G.G. Ha-méliets. Leerboek voor het Hebreeuws op de Lagere School. Met teekeningen van L. Pinkhof. (Vol. 2). Amsterdam, A.T. Kleerekoper, 1941. Original wrappers. 58 p. Many humorous illustrations by Leonard Pinkhof. Second (revised) edition. Brown stain on edge.

€ 60

* In this enjoyable textbook for learning Hebrew from Dutch, containing simple Hebrew exercises with numerous lively drawings, a lot of tragedy is coming together. The first edition appeared in 1932 (and its first volume was reprinted in 1937). It was a miracle that this second edition of vol. 2 could be produced, in the middle of the Nazi German occupation of the Netherlands, by publisher Abraham Tzemach Kleerekoper, who was to be murdered in Sobibor only a year after. The afterword of George Gompert Kleerkooper (not related) bears the date June 1941, but he died, 69 years old, when the book was probably at the printer's, on June 21, 1941.

Leo Pinkhof, a painter from Den Helder, had a better prospect, having acquired a place on the so-called 'Palestina List', that was to bring him to Palestine. However, the list only postponed his execution one year: in July 1943 he and his wife and six children were murdered. Jo Spier, a popular artist who was admired by Dutch Nazi leader Anton Mussert, managed to stay in a Doetinchem villa until 1943, and survived Theresienstadt with his family.

With two identical cover illustrations by Jo Spier with 'Ha-Méliets II' on one side and on the other the same title in Hebrew type.

20. LAUTRÉAMONT, Comte de Les chants de Maldoror. Avec cinq lettres de l'auteur et le fac-similé de l'une d'elles. Paris, La Bonne Compagnie, 1925. Original wrappers. (6), 302 p. Uncut. With name in ink (''Gérard van Imbeeck', 1926) on page 1.

€ 40

* One of 1000 numbered copies on vélin Lafuma de Voiron (Nr. 998).

21. LUCE, Henricus Josephus De Opio Nonnulla. Dissertatio inauguralis medica ... in Universitate Literaria Gryphica. Greifswald, F.W. Kunike, 1836. 19,5 x 12 cm. No binding. First edition.

€ 120

* 'Some things about opium' in Latin. Inaugural dissertation of the university of Greifswald (Vorpommern) with 2-p. autobiographical sketch of the author (born 1809 in Münster). At the end a page with four short theses has been added. None of these is about opium. I.a.: "In Coxarthrocace sananda ferrum candens ceteris remediis praeferendum" (‘in healing hip arthritis, cauterization is the best therapy’). And a page with corrigenda, all held together with a strip of blue paper. (4), 40, (2) p. A bit soiled, foxed and dog-eared. Not in Wellcome.

22. MAUROIS, André Meïpe ou La délivrance. Paris, Grasset, 1926. Original wrappers. XII, 228 p. First edition. Almost fine copy.

€ 25

* With an etching by Édouard Chimot. One of 1200 numbered copies on Alfa paper.

23. (NORTH AFRICA). ALGERIA - MOROCCO - TUNISIA Algérie Maroc Tunisie via Marseille. Paris, J. Barreau, 1930. 26 x 19 cm. Original wrappers. 48 p. Slight traces of use.

€ 16

* Tourist guide with nice wrappers by Dormoy. Photos by A. Bougault, Gillot & Ratel, Mazières, Guillot and others, vignettes by Jean Julien. Detailed descriptions in French.

24. (NORTH AFRICA). ALGERIA - TUNISIA - MOROCCO - SAHARA Algeria Tunisia Morocco and the Sahara. Season 1930-31. (American Express Tourist Guide). New York, American Express, 1930. 19 x 12 cm. Orig. illustrated wrappers. Almost imperceptible water stain in upper corner. Spine somewhat worn.

€ 16

* Decorative tourist guide with a map and b/w illustrations. Upper and lower cover identical, signed E.J.K.

25. (NORTH AFRICA). TUNISIA. Atlas PLM La Tunisie. Chemins de Fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée. Publication éditée avec le concours et la collaboration de la Résidence Générale de la Tunisie. Paris, J. Barreau, about 1930. 26 x 19 cm. Original illustrated wrappers. 20 p. Illustrated and with a map of Tunisia. Text printed in blue. Excellent copy.

€ 30

* Deluxe tourist guide with pretty gilt art deco wrappers. With two colored illustrations after paintings and many small black-and-white illustrations after photographs.

26. PICTON, Harold The Morbid, the Abnormal and the Personal. London, J.E. Francis, 1923. 21,5 x 14 cm. Original wrappers. 20 p. First edition. Cover slightly creased and stained. Vertical fold.

€ 75

* With handwritten dedication in German by the author to the Swiss botanist Dr. Ernst Jacky, dated 'Juni, 1923'. Publication No. 12 of the British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology.

27. SABATIER, R.-B. De la médecine opératoire, ou des opérations de chirurgie qui se pratiquent le plus fréquemment. Paris, Didot le Jeune, 1796. 19 x 12 cm. Three volumes in calf-backed marbled boards with pale purple leather title tickets. xlviii, 368; xxxviii, (2), 410; xxiv, 416 pp. First edition. Boards slightly rubbed.

€ 150

* Attractive Didot edition with fine distinguished typography. Vol. II is 3 millimetres taller than the other two. A comely set.

28. SCHOFF, Otto. Ernst WENGER Bacchanale der Liebe. Mit 7 Radierungen von Otto Schoff. Berlin, Reuss & Pollack, 1922. Oblong 19 x 21 cm. Orig. cloth-backed boards. 36 p. Seven original drypoint etchings by Schoff, the first one SIGNED in pencil. First edition.

€ 250

* Printed in an unstated limited and numbered edition. According to Brattskoven, about 500 copies were printed. Signed by the author under the colophon. Poetry with fine depictions of sensuous girls.

29. SCOTT MONCRIEFF, C.K. Evensong and Morwe Song. No place or publisher, 1908 (= 1923). Original wrappers with title ticket. xxxii p. Printed in 50 copies for private circulation only. Cover slightly worn.

€ 450

* Printed on mould-made paper. A story written by Charles Kenneth Scott-Moncrieff (1889-1930) when still at Winchester College and published in a school magazine. Because of the story's shocking nature (a sanctimonious headmaster receives a painful blow when he is forced to remember his obnoxious erotic behavior in his own school days) the magazine was quickly suppressed and the story published only 15 years later, when Scott Moncrieff was embarking on his translating career that was to earn him fame.

30. THAMES TUNNEL Commemorative of the Visit of Her Most Gracious Majesty. London, T. Brandon, 1843. Large "porcelain card" (25,5 x 20 cm) dating from 1843 with an engraving printed in copper colour. T. Brandon delineavit - Engraver, Printer, Publisher, 41 Thames Tunnel. London, 1843. With two views: the upper shows the Royal Barque before the Wapping entrance of the tunnel. The Queen and Prince-Consort are seen stepping onto the gangboard, greeted by other "Illustrious & Distinguished Personages". On the lower half of the card a schematic section of the tunnel can be seen with guards in stovepipe hats and a group of awed visitors.

€ 140

* Porcelain cards were used around the middle of the 19th century, often as business cards. They are printed on one side only on a piece of thick paper with shining coating, produced with white-lead. Because of the dangers of its production the technique was abandoned in the second half of the 19th century. The modern 'porcelain card' is entirely different. Small glue traces on back of card, otherwise in excellent condition.

31. (TRADE CATALOG). ZIMMER EXPORT DIVISION Zimmer Fracture Equipment. August, 1947. Bourbon, Indiana, Zimmer Export Division, 1947. 4to. Original wrappers. 128, (4), (2) p. Richly illustrated. Vertical fold and some creasing.

€ 25

* Catalog of orthopedic instruments and prosthetics. In the centre a nice colored advertisement for “The Miracle Mechanical Hand”. With a loose addition about Stainless Hip Caps.

32. VENETTE, Nicolaus Von Erzeugung der Menschen. Mit Königl. Pohl. und Chur-Fürstl. Sächs. Allergnädigsten Privilegio. Leipzig, Thomas Fritsch, 1711. Small 8vo. Pleasing twentieth-century marbled boards with a morocco title ticket. (64), 608 p. With portrait frontispice and 8 illustrations, mainly of male and female sex organs. Browned and in some parts spotted. Some old underlinings.

€ 200

* Early 18th century edition, a German translation of De la generation de l'homme, ou Tableau de l'amour conjugal published in 1686 under a pseudonym by Venette (1633-1698), one of the very first books about sexology.

33. VERLAINE, Paul Odes en son honneur. Avec les vignettes de Carlègle. Paris, Léon Pichon, 1921. Quarto. Morocco-backed marbled boards. Original wrappers bound in. (4), 76 p. Wood-engravings by Carlègle (Charles Egli, 1877-1937). Printed in 490 numbered copies; this is one of 435 on Arches vellum paper. Spine discolored.

€ 40

* Exquisitely printed in scarlet and black. Inserted is a color portrait of Verlaine by Édouard Chimot taken from another Verlaine edition.

34. ZABEL, Eugen Iwan Turgenjew. Eine literarische Studie. Mit dem Bildniss Turgenjew's. Leipzig, Otto Wigand, 1884. 8vo. Orig. cloth. First Edition.

€ 22

* First edition of an early study (Turgenyev died in September 1883) with a nice portrait by B. Mannfeld. (8), 208 pp. Dark original cloth binding rubbed. Loosening. First flyleaf cut out. With a fine jugendstil bookplate, printed in red, gold and grey, for literature historian Prof. August Sauer.


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Illustration by Leo Pinkhof from Nr. 19

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